
Due to the innovative weighing technology combined with a self-emptying collection vessel the rain[e] sets new standards in professional precipitation measurement. Its outstanding resolution and accuracy are approved all over the world. The rain[e]H3 with electronically regulated ring heating is designed especially for extreme cold climates. Integrated outside temperature sensor, real time clock, electronic monitoring when opening the housing and remote servicing are features of continuous development. With optional port server and web interface the rain[e]H3 is well equipped for all communicative demands in future.

  • Electronically controlled ring-, funnel- and drain-line heatings
  • Outstanding resolution and accuracy
  • All-metal housing, weatherproof and long-living
  • Easy installation and maintenance
Additional information

Measuring range

without limitation (0.005~ ∞ mm)

Amount of accuracy

± 0,1 mm or ± 1 % at < 6 mm/min and ± 2% at ≥ 6 mm/min

Amount of Resolution

0.001 mm

Intensity range

0~20 mm/min resp. 0~1200 mm/h

Intensity of resolution

0.001 mm/min resp. 0.001 mm/h


• SDI-12 • RS-485 (SDI-12 protocol, ASCII protocol, TALKER protocol)
• 2 Pulse-Outputs for linearised, bounce-free output signal
• Status-Output (configurable, e.g. rain yes/no or heating on/off)
• Analogue output 0/4…20 mA (0…2.5/5 V)

Collection surface

200 cm2

Environmental conditions

-40~+70 °C (no icing or snowdrift)

Protection class

Weighing cell: IP67; housing: IP64


approx. 4 kg

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About brand
LAMBRECHT meteo GmbH develops and manufactures world-class meteorological sensors and measurement solutions for wind, precipitation, pressure, temperature, and humidity serving various classical meteorological and highly specific environmental and industrial end-markets.
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