Our Services

What We Do?

Scoping and design




Data Management

TerraSense provides a comprehensive range of instrumentation solutions – This means the company offers a wide selection of specialized monitoring instruments designed to assess and ensure the safety of structures.

To ensure the safety and stability of structures across all project phases – Structural monitoring is crucial at every stage of a project, from planning to completion and beyond.

Breakdown of Each Phase:

  1. Pre-Construction Phase

    • Before construction begins, monitoring helps assess the baseline conditions of existing structures and the surrounding environment.
    • Instruments may include vibration monitors, tiltmeters, inclinometers, and settlement sensors to detect any pre-existing issues or potential risks.
  2. Construction Phase

    • During construction, real-time monitoring ensures the safety of the structure, workers, and surrounding areas by detecting any deformations, vibrations, or structural stresses caused by excavation, piling, or heavy machinery.
    • Instruments used: strain gauges, load cells, geophones, and structural health sensors.
  3. Post-Construction Phase

    • After construction is complete, monitoring continues to verify that the structure remains stable over time and that there are no hidden defects.
    • This is particularly important for high-rise buildings, bridges, tunnels, and dams to track long-term performance.
    • Instruments used: crack meters, displacement sensors, and long-term settlement monitoring systems.
  4. Dilapidation Phase (Aging or End-of-Life Stage)

    • Structures that are aging, being renovated, or facing demolition require close monitoring to ensure controlled deterioration and to prevent unexpected failures.
    • This is critical for historical buildings, old infrastructure, or structures in seismic zones.
    • Instruments used: corrosion sensors, fatigue monitors, and dynamic structural health monitoring (SHM) systems.

By offering short-term and long-term monitoring, TerraSense ensures that clients have real-time insights into structural integrity, reducing risks and optimizing safety measures at every phase of a project.


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