u[sonic]WS7 Weather sensor

  • Professional meteorological applications
  • On- and offshore wind turbines
  • Building and environmental technology
  • Traffic and industrial meteorology
  • Wind warning and event technology
  • Large-scale photovoltaic plants
  • Alpine applications

The u[sonic]WS is the newest, most compact and system-capable addition to the LAMBRECHT meteo weather sensor series. Wind direction and speed are measured by ultrasound sensors, beyond the wind parameters the air temperature, humidity and pressure values are also determined; the dew point is calculated. The lamella shelter of the humidity and temperature sensor protects the sensor from the deteriorating effects of the climate and ensures improved and more accurate measurements. A wide variety of interfaces and protocols are available. There are no limits for the u[sonic]WS7 when it comes to its applications.

  • No moving measuring elements, no wear
  • Seven weather parameters: wind direction and speed, air temperature, rel. humidity, barometric pressure, global radiation, dew point
  • Intelligent heating depending on wind speed and wind direction
  • Lamella shelter for accurate mea­surements of the temperature-humidity sensor
  • Easy to install, easy to maintain
Additional information

Meas. range wind direction


Meas. range wind speed

0~65 m/s

Meas. range air temperature

-40~+70 °C

Meas. range rel. humidity

0~100 %

Meas. range barometric pressure

300~1100 mbar

Meas. range global radiation

0~2000 W/m2 • global radiation within range of 285~3000 nm

Accuracy wind direction

< 2° (> 1 m/s) RMSE

Accuracy wind speed

± 0.2 m/s RMSE (v < 10 m/s) • ± 2 % RMSE (10 < v < 65 m/s)

Accuracy air temperature

± 0.1K (0…60 °C) • ± 0.2K (-40…0 °C) > 2 m/s

Accuracy rel. humidity

typ. ± 1.5 % (0…80 %) • ± 2 % (> 80 %)

Accuracy barometric pressure

± 0.5 mbar

Resolution wind direction


Resolution wind speed

0.1 m/s

Resolution air temperature

0.1 °C

Resolution rel. humidity

0.1 %

Resolution barometric pressure

0.1 mbar

Resolution global radiation

0.2 W/m2


< ± 1 % (100~1000 W/m2)

Trigger threshold

0.1 m/s


RS 485 · RS 422 (optional)

Operating conditions

-40~+70 °C (with heating: -50~+70) • 0~100 % r. h.


seawater resistant aluminium

Protection class

IP 66 • IP 67


approx. 3.4 kg

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About brand
LAMBRECHT meteo GmbH develops and manufactures world-class meteorological sensors and measurement solutions for wind, precipitation, pressure, temperature, and humidity serving various classical meteorological and highly specific environmental and industrial end-markets.
Data Sheets