The SSBHV is a versatile multipurpose sensor solution. It finds specific application for microseism studies and noise surveys. It is available with different sensors solutions, among the most popular are the standard electrodynamic sensors up to the extended band sensors or force balance accelerometers. The passive spring locking system and the original removable
orientation tool allow the unit to be used for both permanent and mobile stations.


The SS-BHV sensor is designed to be equipped with different kind of sensor from velocitimeters (SS-45/20 or SS-10/08/02/01) to accelerometers (SA-10 or MEMS). The mechanical blocking system allows to control the sensor orientation up to 10-15 m from the surface.

the noise level and the tilt tolerance is function of the chosen sensor, but in all the axis is possible to observe a low noise level and a good tilt tolerance.

Additional information

Number of axis

3 (Z vertical, and 2 horizontal)


0.707 (nominal for all versions)


standard 400 V/m/s (customizable up to 2000V/m/s)

Power consumption

10 < 90mA depending on type, configuration, operating conditions

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SARA electronic instruments focused on seismological, geophysical and vibrational instrumentation. their mission is to provide cost effective solutions for earthquake monitoring, risk assessment and soil exploration in all places in the world where people need to face with natural hazards.
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