Protecting Pipelines in a Changing Environment: Remote Monitoring of Geo-Hazard Risk

As our climate continues to change and geo-hazards such as landslides, flooding and thawing of previously frozen ground become more frequent and severe, the condition of pipelines is facing new challenges. Geo-hazards can have a significant impact on the integrity and safety of these critical assets. A whole suite of non-destructive testing and inspection technologies such as those using ultrasonic testing, radiography, magnetic particle inspection, and visual inspection provide data on the condition of the pipe itself. They do not, however, provide insight into the behavior of the ground and the adjacent structures that can cause movement and damage.
That’s where wireless remote condition monitoring can help. Used for over a decade in safety critical sectors such as rail and highways, technologies such as the InfraGuard™ solution developed by Senceive provide early warning and automated alerts of events such as:
- Slope failures, rockfall, landslides and mudflows
- Ground movement such as heave/swelling and settlement due to changing temperature or groundwater regimes
- Flooding causing washout damage
Consequences of such events range from sudden catastrophic impact damage (e.g. flooding or landslide), to long-term deformation and potential failure of the asset.
InfraGuard™ is an IOT technology comprising highly sensitive tilt sensors that detect ground or structural movement. Built around a smart wireless communications platform, the system has the intelligence to respond to movement events by switching from a long-life, low power mode to a near real-time mode – alerting and informing any number of remote stakeholders. It can even trigger integrated cameras to send site photos enabling engineers to make timely decisions in order to limit damage or identify false alerts and avoid unnecessary disruption.
As well as detecting movement, the wireless monitoring system can incorporate other sensors to provide valuable structural condition data including temperature, load and strain.
The technology is ideal for remote sites because it can be installed in just a few hours and left largely untouched for years to come (potentially >10 years). In most situations it can run without fixed power supply using solar panels and communicate using either a cellular network or satellite comms. By deploying InfraGuard™ at locations identified as being at-risk, either based on pipeline condition data, or from an assessment of geo-risk hazards, asset owners can reduce the need for expensive site visits and lower the risk of environmentally damaging failures. Alongside scheduled testing and inspections it can therefore form a key element in an effective structural health monitoring solution to ensure safe, efficient asset performance.
The information obtained provides valuable insights into the condition of pipelines and facilities, allowing companies to make informed decisions regarding maintenance, repair, and replacement activities. This proactive approach not only helps in preventing accidents and minimizing environmental impact but also maximizes the lifespan and efficiency of these essential assets.
For more information on how you can take advantage of wireless remote condition monitoring technology to help manage energy infrastructure including pipelines, processing and storage facilities visit our pipelines page.