The Geosense In-Place Inclinometer System (IPI) allows automatic and continuous measurement of deformation profiles within inclinometer casings in a vertical, inclined, or horizontal orientation. Offered in  either Uniaxial or Biaxial sensors and as a rigid rod or wire rope systems.


The new and improved Geosense In-place Inclinometer has a 20% smaller diameter sensor, is 38% lighter with the same trusted performance.  The Sensor is combined with the rod and with integrated connectors for speedy tool-free install. 

It consists of a series of wheeled sensors of varying lengths, connected together and set at the required depths within the inclinometer casing.  

This rigid rod system (IPI-RR) has specially designed connections which link the sensors, allowing them to move independently to each other without influencing those above or below. This provides a profile of displacement over the complete length of the installation. The sensor gauge lengths can be varied to suit individual requirements. For example, more sensors can be concentrated in areas where movement is expected.  

The wire rope system (IPI-WR) is designed for use where only specific zones are of interest rather than the profile of the entire borehole. In this system, sensors are linked with a wire rope rather than rods. 

In both systems, a digital BUS runs the length of the chain of connected sensors eliminating the need for a separate cable for each sensor. A specially designed signal cable connection not only eliminates the need for external cables and connectors but ensures highly watertight joints and full EMC screening. 

In-place inclinometers are typically used for safety critical applications where ‘real time’ monitoring and early warning is required in order to protect life and valuable assets. They are easy to automate using data acquisition systems and GeoAxiom Vista software. 

Additional information

Sensor Type

Biaxial MEMS

Range - Vertical

±15° from vertical

Range - Inclined

±15° from 45°

Range - Horizontal

±15° from horizontal


Uniaxial and biaxial

Output signal

RS-485 Digital bus


2 arc sec (±0.01mm/m)

Operating Temperature

-40 to +85°C

Compatible Casing sizes

70 & 85mm

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About brand
Geosense Ltd is one of Europe’s leading manufacturers and suppliers of instruments to the geotechnical, civil engineering, mining and environmental industries. Geosense products are used globally in major projects in more than 68 countries. With a comprehensive in-house design and manufacturing capability, we can provide products not only to tight deadlines but also to suit custom-engineered solutions for specific project requirements. Geosense specialises in the manufacture of vibrating wire and MEMS sensors, which are used to produce a wide range of instruments. In addition we manufacture automated data acquisition systems to complement our sensors, including wireless systems.
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