
The MLBase™ is a communications base station for the MLRemote® wireless datalogging system. The MLBase provides for queuing all inbound and outbound data communications with MLRemote.
Network communication options for the MLBase include both Wi-Fi and Cellular integration. The MLBase offers long-distance communications and low power in a small form factor when paired with the MLRemote. Low-data rate communications of up to 15 kilometers (9 miles) is achievable, and up to 100 kilometers (60 miles) with the use of gain antennas.


The MLBase is capable of reading supply voltage, humidity, and temperature. Additionally, the MLBase is capable of reading the status of a digital input, typically used for entry detection.

Several status LEDs are used for reporting basic system operation including the following:

  • Power LED: Measure of battery voltage and overall system health status indicator
  • Charge LED: Status of charger output voltage
  • Activity: Activity on radio link from radio
  • LAN Link: Network link status
  • LAN Active: Network activity
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Canary develops a web-based software platform that aggregates geotechnical/geomechanical data from numerous sources into a single platform that provides analytics and other tools including automated alarming and reporting. Canary also develops and sells electronic hardware consist of Dataloggers, Data acquisition systems & Multiplexers for a variety of applications related to weather, water, energy, gas flux and turbulence, infrastructure, and soil.
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