The NexusGEO® is a Bluetooth Interface which can be used to connect a wide range of sensors with analogue or RS-485 digital outputs to an Android smart device for manual readout. This means data can easily be accessed on site by any Android device such as a smartphone or tablet.

Specially-developed by Geosense, it is designed to offer interoperability between sensors and the chosen Android device. This enables the user to benefit from the increased processing capability and connectivity of a smart device over a standard readout.

The user can simply read and store data or read, store and transmit it via a mobile network.


The NexusGEO® App makes it possible to download raw data or acquire calibration factors from the sensor which can then be used to convert the data into engineering units. All data can then be downloaded as a CSV file either locally onto the Android device or synchronised to a central database.

Colour-coded connections for the different analogue sensor types plus a simple digital connector makes the NexusGEO® easy to use. It comes complete with battery charger and colour coded ‘jumper cables’ complete with crocodile clips.

The NexusGEO® can be used on any Android device, such as the affordable rugged CAT S42 which is available from Geosense.

Additional information

Signal inputs

VW (Hz), mA, V, mV/V, Pt100, NTC, RS-485

Measurement resolution

24 bit, 0.1Hz for VW


Android device



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About brand
Geosense Ltd is one of Europe’s leading manufacturers and suppliers of instruments to the geotechnical, civil engineering, mining and environmental industries. Geosense products are used globally in major projects in more than 68 countries. With a comprehensive in-house design and manufacturing capability, we can provide products not only to tight deadlines but also to suit custom-engineered solutions for specific project requirements. Geosense specialises in the manufacture of vibrating wire and MEMS sensors, which are used to produce a wide range of instruments. In addition we manufacture automated data acquisition systems to complement our sensors, including wireless systems.
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